

问:高中生考试焦虑原因及对策研究 高中生考试焦虑原因及对策研究是什么
  1. 答:1、原因:考试焦虑的产生是内因和外因相互作用的结果。外因来自于学校、家庭和社 会;内因与个体的个性、抱负、早年经历、认知水平和心理承受能力等有关。考 试焦虑是后天习得的心理障碍,它是个体在不良的教育环境下主客观因素共同作 用而形成的,多数是因为家长和老师有意或无意对小孩的学习提出过高要求,超 越了学生的承受能力并形成了过度的心理压力。
问:英语作文 如何缓解考试焦虑情绪
  1. 答:Owing to the force-feeding approach to education, we students are being confronted with a host of tests. And the issue of how to treat tests properly has e a frequent topic of discussion.
    To avoid the detrimental ramifications that the tests may bring about, we should make a retional scheme with regard to study. In addition to this, we would be well-advised to maintain a positive attitude, work out modestly, listen to soothing music etc. Last but not least, we are supposed to keep adequate sleep and a well-balanced diet.
    Surely, we are expected to conduct a wide range of effective measures to ease the stress and tension stemming from tests.
